The other I was looking for some interesting and inspiring images ( as always ), when I came across this Dutch photographer. Her name is Viviane Sassen, and although she's quite young ( given that she was born in 1972), her work is very recognizable and also very autobigraphic.
Some of her earliest memories are of life in Kenya, where she spent 3 years as a child. When her family returned to the Netherlands in 1978, Sassen was troubled : 'I didn't feel like I belonged in Europe, and yet I was a foreigner in Africa, ' she says. Ten years later, aged 16, she revisited Kenya, and she's been traveling and working in Africa ever since.
She made Parasomnia, her newest body of work, in a number of intentionally unidentified African countries, featuring anonymous subjects.
L'altro giorno stavo cercando le immagini interessanti e d'ispirazione ( come sempre ) quando ho trovato per caso questa fotografa olandese. Si chiama Viviane Sassen, ed anche se e' abbastanza giovane ( nata in 1972 ), il suo lavoro e' molto riconoscibile ed anche molto autobiografico.
I suoi primi ricordi sono della vita in Kenya, dove ha passato 3 anni come bambina. Quando la sua famiglia ritorno' in Olanda in 1978, Sassen si sentiva persa : ' Mi sentivo come se non appartenevo in Europa, pero' nello stesso tempo era anche straniera in Kenya ', dice lei. 10 anni dopo, a 16 anni, lei ha rivisitato Kenya, e da tal punto sta viaggiando e lavorando in Africa.
Ha creato Parasomnia, il suo ultimo lavoro, in parecchi paesi d'Africa, con i soggetti anonimi.
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